
The Project

Sparks, a Partnership for Digital Education Readiness project, co-founded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union and implemented by six organizations from Greece, Italy, Spain, Polan, Portugal and Romania, aims to develop a new Conceptual Framework for Game-Based e-Learning Programs and E-Learning platform to let VET providers deliver innovative online learning experiences with the use of gamification, and boost their learners’ motivation and engagement in learning.


Project Results

The consortium developed five key results: Transnational Research on Gamification and Game-Based Learning; a Conceptual Framework and Template for Gamified E-Learning Programs; Guidance Material for Educators and Learners. The results were designed for vocational education and training providers, but have the potential to be integrated into Higher, Adult and School Education to create innovative, engaging e-learning experiences that can contribute to a reinforced response of Education and Training systems to the current digital education challenges.


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